N. Har Yavniel.

From the top of Har Yavniel you may well think to yourself "what a beautiful country Israel is... Sitting on the eastward facing slope, beside you is the famous biblical green "bush of thorns",  far in the distant horizon are the Gil'ad mountains towering over the below-sea-level Jordan valley with its sweet orchards of rich dates palm trees. These dates, are becoming more and more welcome ambassadors of Israel, known as the Majhul dates. The steep iron-hard basalt rocky path bellow us, leads to Bik'at Yavniel, the territory of the final act predicted by the only women prophet so highly regarded in the Bible. Devora. Without Devora, Barak Ben Avinoam refused to lead the Israelites against Sysra, Yavin king of Chtsor's chief of army.