"In Low Gear" Israel adventure off-road 4x4 jeep tours and Outdoor action:
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COVID-19 Purple tag precautions apply. Small group tours and Private 4x4 tour available. Guideline update.
2.0 The secret of The Dead Sea...
It was decades later and an extreme enthusiast of the Dead Sea, that got me back to "hell". I was ready to listen and learn with my heart, mind and sole...The results were developing fast...Out of 50 k"m of beach front, I found the best locations for me, the best timing and the best way to float. It left me awed...The depth of tranquility and peace achievable, are indescribable simply because the physical combination of conditions exists nowhere else on earth...Is The Dead Sea The Fountain of Peace??
Can we reduce the 40 degrees so peace could be enjoyed?..
Is this a worthy challenge?...A dream?...Or maybe both?...
Gallery image:
![Dead Sea permaculcher prj.](https://www.inlowgear.co.il/sites/default/files/p1020110_c.jpg)