"In Low Gear" Israel adventure off-road 4x4 jeep tours and Outdoor action:
For super cost-effective multi-day private 4x4 transport, contact direct.
COVID-19 Purple tag precautions apply. Small group tours and Private 4x4 tour available. Guideline update.
The bridg from conflict to relaxation
Gesher Hanasi Location: On the Jordan river below the Golan Height. This bridge was on the '48 boarder between Syria and Israel,the fresh water flows powerfully all year round, creating multiple small energetic water falls. The harmonic motion is hypnotizing... Sitting in the water, the current acts as a natural Jacuzzi, add a hot cup of green tea enhances relaxation... Not to fare, looking abandoned and useless, decaying slowly into oblivion, lies the evidence of the spark plug, igniting the ongoing 60 years of conflict with Syria...